Majoer Rooter Inc

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Majoer Rooter Inc. Drain & Sewer
Serving Inland Empire
Phone: (951) 680-0106
In Business Since 1976

2 men are making a certification document for a septic tank for ESCROW

Septic Tank System Certification

Real estate septic inspection provides sellers, buyers and agents peace of mind prior to entering into escrow. A septic certification document states that the septic tank system on the property has been inspected and found to be working currently or not operating to set standards at the time of the inspection was completed. Please be aware that a Septic Certification does not guarantee that the septic system will continue to function properly for any given period of time in the future because conditions can change due to causes beyond our control. Any change in usage of the system could cause the system to malfunction.

FHA Requirements for Sewer and Septic Tank Systems

Some borrowers want to know if the property they're interested in purchasing with an FHA mortgage loan will qualify if there is a septic tank on the property. Others want to know specific required distances from a septic tank to the property line or related requirements. For example, a septic tank, under FHA appraisal rules, must be at least 50 feet from a well, where applicable. To see more of what the FHA rules are for Sewer/Septic Systems:
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